
It's Never Too Late !!

Published July 17th, 2022 by Jacquisennadmin

In 2017 I was employed as a nursing assistant, and at the time I worked at a hospital on a medical surgical floor. O considered myself fortunate at the time because I was able to pick up extra shifts each week and earn some overtime. All that extra money went o the bills, but it meant the difference between falling behind and treading water.

I was in the position of training all the new nursing assistants and those who were nursing students to the floor an how we handled things. At the end of each summer, I would watch the nursing students leave and talk about how excited they were to go back to school to " finish up". They were looking forward to becoming nurses. While I was anticipating the next batch of new recruits.

One day one of the nurses I worked with said to me " it's too bad you can't go back to school". I looked at her questioningly and she continued " well you know now that your youngest is in college, I mean what would be the point really?" I looked away from her so she would not see the tears in my eyes. Thoughts swirled in my head, I could hear her voice saying "it's too late." And for a few months I agreed .

In August of 2017 , I called Cambridge College in Boston, Ma and just asked if I could come in for a conversation. You see, I was confused about which course of study to take. I could not make up my mind between becoming a Licensed Mental Health Counselor or a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. The woman I spoke with on the phone asked me for my phone number and my email address. And before I went in for the " conversation" I received an email asking me to bring in a " few things".

I went to the school the next week with my " few things" and they had me fill out a few forms. I really had no clue as to what I was doing. I figured I was filling out all of these things for data, like I do when I want to get the discount card at a store. Well, in truth what I filled out was an application for acceptance into their LMHC Masters Program and three weeks later I was sitting in my first class.

Eighteen months later I gradated with my Masters in Mental Health Counseling and the same woman who told me I couldn't do it had to admit she was wrong. What she said to me was " I don't think I could have gone back to school and done what you did." You see, when people tell you , "it's too late " and "it cannot be done" they are merely projecting their own doubts on YOU!! 

What I also know is that this is exactly the kind of thinking the devil wants to get you trapped in. He wants you to believe that it's too late and God cannot use you for his purpose any longer. But I am here as living proof , that is not true. By accepting and listening to God , I not only created a closer relationship to God but also discovered his purpose for me. By containing my education, I inspired my son to accept an opportunity at the University of Arizona to complete a Masters in Music Performance and a Teacher's Assistantship.

God is always good and he wants the BEST for you... Start listening to him when he speaks to you and Follow his direction!

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