
Marathon Monday

Published April 15th, 2018 by Jacqui Senn LLC

This coming Monday in Boston,Massachussetts, thousands of runners will take to the streets in an effort to complete the grueling twenty six mile course known as the Boston Marathon. The most fascinating part of this race are the stories of the entrants in the news prior to what is called "Marathon Monday". Each person highlighted on the evening news, comes from a different set of circumstances. Some of the people have lost someone and are running in their memory. While others have just decided that this is "the" time for them to take on this challenge.

One of the most difficult parts of this particular course is halfway through. At mile twenty all of the runners must face "Heartbreak Hill". This is a 1.23 mile stretch that is an ascent. It is at this juncture that many runners cannot go on. Every year I watch this race on the television and I am amazed and impressed at the bravery of each entrant for this race. I believe that this particular race has the highest number of people who complete it without regard to their timing. For some people it might be daylight when they begin the course and dusk upon completion. That represents a high commitment to the goal of finishing this race.

I believe that everyone of us is in a "marathon" of sorts. Even though people have said that life is "short" the truth is, the average life span is 79 years. That is a long time made up of intervals that mark major chronological changes that impact us differently at each stage. If we were all sprinters, then the vast majority of folks would not make it past the first quarter century. But that is not the case. This indicates that most people have what it takes to go the distance regardless of their situation or circumstance. It is not necessary for them to have been previously condition for the long haul, because when it comes down to it, what matters the most is the level of commitment to living as long as possible. So this Monday also known as Patriots Day in Boston, remember that we are all Marathoners. It is not necessary to have a number or a shirt in order to be in the race that represents your life. Regardless of where you are in the Marathon, it only matters that you finish ! It is a race that is very individualized with results that vary from person to person. Stay in it !!

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