
Recognizing My Blessings

Published December 3rd, 2018 by Jacqui Senn LLC

The other day I was watching the news and I heard the anchor person talk about the record sales that are happening since Black Friday.I watched a video that showed people shopping and fighting over THINGS in a store. The news then showed massive lines of people waiting outside stores until they opened, hoping to get the best deals of the season. I watched all of these things from the comfort of my couch, in my small apartment, sipping a cup of my favorite tea. It was at that precise moment that I started to count my blessings and began to think about how fortunate I really am. I keep my Christmas list small and the number of presents I buy even smaller. For me, I refuse to be pushed and pulled physically or psychologically into purchasing THINGS that may end up in the return pile the day after Christmas. Over the past three years, I have instituted a new Christmas list. This list is made up of days that I will get together with my friends and family to share conversation, a meal and possibly a good card game. I believe that the most precious gift that can be given this holiday season is the one of our time, not of THINGS.

I am not suggesting that exchanging gifts should be banned, all I am saying is that for me, gift giving is not about fighting over a material object in a store. I do not believe that any THING is that important. Maybe I am even suggesting that we all focus less on the gifts and more on the people in our lives. Because in all honesty the only perfect gift we can give is our presence. Recognize YOUR blessings in the small things in life because when all of those small things are added up they are far more valuable than anything you can find on a shelf in a store.


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