

Published February 28th, 2021 by Jacquisennadmin

In a world with a never ending onslaught of information, it's important now more than ever to try and find some personal peace. There are of  course some things we need to identify in the process of finding our peace.

 I call these our PEACE STEALERS. One of the largest thieves of of our peace is time management. Where and how are we spending our time. To get to this we must identify where we spend the bulk of our " free" time. That is time not involved in working a job that provides benefit to ourselves and those around us.

 Are we filling up the hours with watching videos online, talking, texting or face timing our friends and family? I am not suggesting that any of these things are not important. But if you are trying to CHANGE things it's time to get real and MICRO MANAGE our time. This is the very first step in goal setting. This activity is going to take you at least a week or two, because each day is different. For instance: if you have kids one day you may have more time after the kids go to bed. If you are single you may have more time on different days of the week depending on the time constraints at your job or your schedule. You might be a person who works varying schedules based upon the needs of your department and the industry you work in.  The idea with this is to get a journal, it does not matter what kind it is, and make an entry for every day for two weeks as to how your time is spent. You can include the hours you work.

This information will give you a good picture as to how you have spent your time and where your potential TIME STEALERS are !! Good Luck. I am looking forward to your results!

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